Thursday, June 14, 2012

Who is Lauren Kratz?

We had an interview with Lauren Kratz on the 14th of June a day before Mango's birth. We wanted to know more about Lauren, how she lives, and what makes her tick. 

It was late on a Thursday night as I pulled up to her apartment buildings for her interview. A brick world lit by an eerie orange light. Laughter and screams of summer time float up from the pool in the center court yard. Towels hang from the balconies above me like spectators in an arena. I am looking for number 111 with my camera bag in tow. I see the items in the window as I read the text "The Elephant is in the window". Without that hint I would have known this was the apartment of an artist. There were wood carvings, sculptures of fluid ladies, a clear head filled with what seemed to be paper, and among these was an Elephant. I knock. "Shut up Titus!" the Chihuahua is barking like the attack dog he sees himself to be. I enter and am greeted by Titus and Falcor. Titus the caramel larger dog, sure enough is a growling demonling trying to protect his domain. Falcor is adorable and has a tiny pink tongue that can't get enough of my toes through my worn flip flops.

Lauren leads the attack dog to his room and I take in the apartment. To my left there is a space claimed by her performance art supplies, glitter, wigs, and a plastic organizer with make up and other things fill the space. There is a mirror and a divider to the kitchen. In front of me there is a table with cluttered paper from an artistic mind. I continue to scan. There is a computer and an empty futon with a body pillow sitting as an audience to a muted cupcake show. Sure enough that is why I am there. To bake. There are pieces of artwork on the wall and a bike that has been unused sitting in the corner. 

"this piece came to me in a dream, it was about human sacrifice through oranges. I awoke and had to paint it."

We walked around the apartment and caught up, talked about her art work, and then got down to cup cakes. We chatted and baked while I perched myself on the counter like an old friend. With Soap and Skin playing in the background we started to digest what was about to happen tomorrow and shared the excitement of what is to come and how it would have a lasting effect on her life. She would forsake Lauren, her birth name, and move into a new chapter of forced freedom with the hope of becoming new in her life and name. 

A painting from a performance
 "We rolled around in meat juice and
glitter. It was amazing"

We talked about what was going to happen the following day, "I don't really know what to expect, there will be wire" We continued to talk about how she was planning on turning her life into Mango "I just have too many things that hold me back, and I want to get rid of that fear that holds me. And if for one moment, my life decision can touch someone, this will have all been made worth it." She talked about previous performances and how they had made impact on others. 

From there we went to the laundry room down the hall and we started talking about her childhood. She talked of an easy life till about the age of 12. Then there was unforeseen hardship and lifestyles that had to be adjusted. This began to show itself as the seed of the fear that Lauren was so ready to get rid of. 

The interview went well, and the cupcakes turned out. I left with a broader understanding of who Lauren is and what makes her the way she is. I left with anticipation of the following day where we would witness the starting of a journey. And I left with a lot to think about. Who was I? What IS in a name? Is it possible to forget the past and move on to something new all through changing what you are called by family and friends? 

The questions will continue to seek answers. Thank you for joining us. 

Who is Lauren Kratz?

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